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Time for Political Party Elites to Vie for Cabinet Seats


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta -  After the majority of constitutional justices rejected allegations of fraud in the 2024 presidential election, Prabowo Subianto officially became the president-elect. He has until October to consider and assemble his cabinet. Elite members of his supporting parties are now scrambling to put forward names to occupy several ministerial seats.

There are three circles of ‘close associates of Prabowo’: supporting poiitical party elites since the beginning of the elections, supporters from outside parties, and now politicians who supported Prabowo’s rivals but are invited to join the coalition. Prabowo aims to continue Jokowi’s method of building a government: a big coalition to support his administration.

So far, the NasDem Party and the National Awakening Party (PKB) have been eyeing ministerial seats. Both parties supported presidential candidates Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar. If these two parties join Prabowo’s coalition, practically, the only parties outside the government will be the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) and the Justice and Prosperity Party (PKS), as the United Development Party (PPP) is still contesting their vote acquisition in the Constitutional Court, which is insufficient to secure seats in the parliament.

With this majority coalition, Prabowo will enjoy full support. However, accommodating this abundant support is proving to be a headache. His supporting parties are vying for several ‘lucrative’ and strategic seats such as Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, and Minister of Industry.

And outside these three circles, there is a fourth circle: President Joko Widodo. Feeling entitled to a stake in Prabowo’s victory, Jokowi is also proposing some trusted names to enter Prabowo’s cabinet. Bahlil Lahadalia, a newcomer in Jokowi’s circle accommodating his interests, is stepping into the arena as a candidate for Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources.

There is resistance within Prabowo's inner circle to Bahlil’s presence. His policy of revoking some mining permits led to disapproval from the elites of a number of parties. Several other names have been placed on Prabowo's table.

Bahlil’s presence is met with resistance from Prabowo’s inner circle. His policy of revoking mining permits has caused dismay among elites from various parties. Several other names have been placed on Prabowo’s table.

Politicians are maneuvering, expecting Prabowo to form a large cabinet by adding several new ministerial posts. Several ministries will be divided again, increasing the number of cabinet seats to 38 or 40. To accommodate the wishes of all parties, each minister will be assigned a deputy minister position.

In addition to the squabbling over ministerial seats, in this week’s edition, we also publish coverage on the accountability of the purchase and use of Israeli surveillance equipment by state authorities. This report is the result of collaboration with Israeli media and an international media consortium.

Enjoy the magazine,

Bagja Hidayat

Deputy Chief Editor

Cover Story

The Formation of Prabowo’s Cabinet

Prabowo plans to expand his cabinet to 40 ministries. Political parties are fighting over strategic ministries. President Jokowi is also intervening.

Vying for Prabowo’s Cabinet

Scroll Untuk Melanjutkan

Political parties are preparing names for potential ministers in Prabowo’s cabinet. They are eyeing strategic positions.

Political Maneuvering in Prabowo’s Coalition Building

The parties supporting Ganjar and Anies are offered ministerial posts in the cabinet of Prabowo. There is rejection from Prabowo’s coalition.


OJK Stricter Rules to Prevent Banks from Collapsing

The OJK decides on stricter supervision and capital requirements for banks, a shock absorber for the financial system but a stranglehold on small banks.


Espionage Devices Imports around Election Times

Indonesia was one of the biggest importers of electronic wiretapping equipment from 2019-2021. This equipment is being used by various state agencies.

Read at Tempo Magazine: 

The Formation of Prabowo’s Cabinet

Vying for Prabowo’s Cabinet

Political Maneuvering in Prabowo’s Coalition Building

OJK Stricter Rules to Prevent Banks from Collapsing

Espionage Devices Imports around Election Times


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