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Enterpreneurs Burden to Increase Dairy Cattle for Milk and Free Lunch Program


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Facing a budget squeeze, the agriculture ministry has decided to involve the private sector in the free lunch and milk program. Importers of milk and its derivative products, beef cattle fattening entrepreneurs and chicken rearing companies are being asked to participate in the program, a campaign promise of presidential election winners Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

These companies have been asked to increase the numbers of dairy cattle. The government is targeting an additional 1.1 million lactating dairy cattle in the near future.

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Retno Sulistyowati


Cover Story

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Finding Dairy Cattle for the Free Milk Program

The government is asking businesses to increase dairy cattle for the free milk and lunch program.

Major Budget for Major Program

The government is exploring a variety of options to finance the free lunch program. There are plans to cut subsidies and raise debt.

The Free Lunch Program Manuevers

A number of institutions are pushing the free lunch program. The Constitutional Court dismisses an appeal for a judicial review.


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The fintech lending business is increasingly losing steam. Returns continue to decline while fund owners are opting for other investment portfolios.

You can read on Tempo Magazine:

Finding Dairy Cattle for the Free Milk Program

Major Budget for Major Program

The Free Lunch Program Manuevers

How Jokowi Paved the Way for His Close Circle to Run in Regional Head Elections

Dark Clouds over Online Credit Business


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