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Coalition Cabinet


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - PRESIDENT Jokowi reshuffles his cabinet for the third time. Rather than signifying the end of his term, the latest reshuffle recaptures the mood in Jokowi’s early presidency: strengthening support, by including two new parties in the coalition: the National Mandate Party (PAN) and the Crescent Star Party (PBB). Instead of improving the performance of the cabinet and his administration in the remaining two years of his tenure, Jokowi still consolidates power from supporting parties. Now nearly all parties are under his control. What is it for? To bring back to the demented idea of three presidential terms? Or is it a premature move of consolidation ahead of 2024 Elections?


Yogya’s Building Permit Corruption

YOGYAKARTA Mayor Haryadi Suyuti allegedly issued licenses generously for the development of restaurants, hotels and apartments since 2013. Supported by a ‘shadow’ team under the control of his confidants, he charged Rp200 million to Rp2 billion for permit issuance. The case involves strong people in Jakarta.


Bureaucracy Blocks Solar Power Generator

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IT is strange, but true: amid the intensive campaign for the use of new and renewable energy, those who want to use solar panels are faced with disappointment. The obligation to obtain permits from the state electricity company PLN delays its utilization by industries and households. Is it merely bad bureaucracy or fear of losing to competition?


From a Pit Mine to a Park

THE Sawahlunto City government in West Sumatra plans to build a nature park on a former mining site. The park measuring 24.28 hectares is designed to be equipped with various sport facilities. It can set an example for the reclamation of open-pit mining in other locations.


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Time for Political Party Elites to Vie for Cabinet Seats

6 Mei 2024

Time for Political Party Elites to Vie for Cabinet Seats

Supporting political party elites are vying for strategic cabinet seats, expecting Prabowo Subioanto to form a big cabinet

: Indonesian Political Party Vying for Ministerial Post in Prabowo Subianto Cabinet

26 Maret 2024

With his prerogative right as president, Prabowo Subianto also has an opportunity to establish a cabinet of experts.
: Indonesian Political Party Vying for Ministerial Post in Prabowo Subianto Cabinet

Political party elites are vying for ministerial posts in Prabowo Subianto's Cabinet.

Mahfud Md Resigns from Ministerial Post, Jokowi's Cabinet Torn

5 Februari 2024

Mahfud Md Resigns from Ministerial Post, Jokowi's Cabinet Torn

Because potential conflict of interest in using state facilities, Mahfud Md. subsequently resigned from Jokowi cabinet.