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Mahfud Md Resigns from Ministerial Post, Jokowi's Cabinet Torn


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta -  Dear Readers,

The political temperature in Indonesia continues to rise in the final weeks leading up to the election on February 14. Public spaces have become battlegrounds for narratives and arguments of the supporters of the three presidential and vice-presidential candidates, over any issue that might benefit their favorite candidates.

One of the hottest issues has been whether or not the candidates who are still holding public offices should resign. From the three presidential contestants, Prabowo Subianto and Mahfud Md. are still in the cabinet serving as the Defense Minister and the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, respectively.

Their refusal to resign drew severe backlash. Because the public will find it difficult to differentiate whether, when they campaign in the regions, they are on leave or still active as ministers. 

Potential conflict of interest in using state facilities for personal political matters has resurfaced. President Joko Widodo’s statement that public officials such as the president and vice president can take sides and campaign for candidates their choice has further heated up the issue. In response to the statement, Mahfud Md. subsequently resigned from the Indonesia Onward Cabinet.

Actually, Jokowi’s support for Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka has been ongoing for a long time. His misguided political choice that goes against the regulation has reportedly pushed several disapproving ministers to the brink of resignation.

Jokowi’s political choice has also caused a rift within the cabinet. This can be seen when Prabowo hinted at the existence of ministers with neo-liberal tendencies in Jokowi’s cabinet, which is suspected to be directed at Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati. This all started when Sri Mulyani insisted on rejecting Prabowo’s request for a substantial budget for the Defense Ministry.

The most significant turmoil occurred in the social assistance (Bansos) policy. Recently, Jokowi suddenly requested additional fund allocations and changes to the schedule for the disbursement of social assistance amounting to Rp11.25 trillion, leaving Sri Mulyani struggling to allocate funds in the 2024 State Budget.

Not only that, assistance amounting to Rp200,000 per month, originally planned for distribution from January to March 2024 to 18.8 million people, was forced to be distributed at the beginning of February. The distribution method changed, no longer through cash transfers via government banks, but directly distributed through Pos Indonesia and the National Food Agency, which could be used for campaigning. This change also strained Sri Mulyani’s relation with Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto.

Beyond the battered condition of Jokowi’s cabinet, we also present a story about efforts to divert the corruption case of Sidoarjo Regent Ahmad Mudhlor, which is being handled by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). In addition, this edition features a special report on Tempo’s Selections of Literature and Arts Works, an annual coverage that appreciates high-quality artworks.

Happy reading,

Setri Yasra

Managing Editor

Who Else Wants to Quit Jokowi’s Cabinet after Mahfud 

Mahfud Md. finally resigned from the cabinet. Several other ministers intend to follow suit because they are unwilling to support Jokowi’s dynasty.

“The Cabinet Psychology Has Change”

Mahfud Md. spoke openly about his reason for resigning as Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs. He did not expect that Gibran would be named a vice-presidential candidate

Scroll Untuk Melanjutkan

Mahfud Md. Last Days As Cabinet Member

It is believed that Mahfud Md’s resignation from the cabinet will not increase his electability. The prediction is that they could get more votes due to negative sentiment towards Jokowi.

The Entertainment Tax Hike Controversy

Business actors are preparing a judicial review over the provisions on entertainment tax rates. A reflection of poorly prepared regulation.

Cleric’s Political Pivot After Corruption Scandal Unfolds

The KPK has yet to arrest Regent Ahmad Muhdlor Ali after the sting operation in Sidoarjo. He escapes after switching political allegiance.

Again, Tempo's Selection of Literatures and Arts Works

Tempo again selected the works of artists, choreographers, playwrights, musicians and writers in the 2023 Tempo’s Selection for Works of Art and Literature.

You can read more complete reports on Tempo Magazine:

Who Else Wants to Quit Jokowi’s Cabinet after Mahfud

“The Cabinet Psychology Has Change”

Mahfud Md. Last Days As Cabinet Member

The Entertainment Tax Hike Controversy

Cleric’s Political Pivot After Corruption Scandal Unfolds

Again, Tempo's Selection of Literatures and Arts Works


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