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The Cooking Oil Corruption Case


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - THE Attorney General’s Office names a new suspect of crude palm oil (CPO) export graft case. The suspect, financial expert Lin Che Wei, is allegedly involved in a conspiracy in CPO exports that has led to cooking oil shortage at home. Che Wei is not a public official. He is a consultant, but investigators claim that he controlled policies on cooking oil and CPO export. Is it true that he is a confidant of Trade Minister Muhammad Lutfi?


Entering Endemic Era

PRESIDENT Joko Widodo has lifted the face mask and Covid-19 test requirements. We must not let the endemic status lull us into negligence.


Beware of the Pay-Later

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THE pay-later or “buy now, pay later” industry is thriving. It attracts millennial customers. But beware of its debt trap.


The Taking of Indigenous Lands

LAND takeover has become rampant. The environment and forestry ministry has placed boundary markers in an indigenous forest in North Sumatra and claimed it as a state forest zone. 


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Cooking Oil Crisis

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Cooking Oil Crisis

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