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Prabowo-Gibran Triumph in One-Round Presidential Election


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The suspenseful general election has come to an end. According to quick counts, Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka are leading with more than 56 percent of the votes. Prabowo-Gibran are also dominating in almost all provinces. This means that the Number 02 presidential and vice-presidential candidates have won the election in a single round. Although we still need to wait for the official numbers from the General Election Commission, quick counts usually do not differ significantly.

Tempo this week edition discusses Prabowo’s landslide victory in Presidential Election, defeating Anies Baswedan and Ganjar Pranowo. Ganjar’s votes even plummeted in the strongholds of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) in Central Java and East Java. Meanwhile, the votes for the PDI-P increased compared to the previous election.

In a PDI-P internal survey, Ganjar’s votes were not actually significantly reduced. The Ganjar team is currently checking the field and collecting evidence of the decline in Ganjar-Mahfud’s vote count. Initial evidence suggests pressure on regional heads not to support Ganjar. They are intimidated by the possible investigation into cases of corruption.

The Anies team is also surprised. In several provinces where they usually perform well, their votes dropped. However, unlike Ganjar’s, Anies’ supporters were not intimidated by criminal investigations.

The element of surprise is not exclusive to Anies and Ganjar’s teams. Even Prabowo-Gibran’s team was shocked by the spectacular vote count results. They hoped to win in a single round with 52 to 53 percent of the votes. So what happened?

Investigations in various regions revealed that the determination of votes for Prabowo-Gibran became evident two days before the Presidential Election. The Prabowo-Gibran team was certain that the vote count would be above 54 percent, so they were confident of an immediate victory in the first round. There’s no need for a second round in the election.

Prabowo’s team claims that the ‘gemoy’ (adorable) gimmick slogan attracted young people to vote for Prabowo-Gibran. Another analysis suggests that the intensive social assistance distributed by President Jokowi, Gibran’s father, played a role in influencing the shift of Ganjar and Anies’ votes to Prabowo-Gibran in the final days before the Presidential Election. What are the factors boosting Prabowo’s votes? Happy reading.

 Bagja Hidayat

 Deputy Editor-in-Chief

Cover Story

Prabowo-Gibran’s Path to One-Round Victory in Presidential Election

Prabowo-Gibran is likely to win the presidential election in one round. They were boosted by the ‘Jokowi effect’ and Ganjar-Mahfud’s landslide defeat.

The Coalition of Anies Baswedan and Ganjar Pranowo to Investigate Fraud in the Presidential Election

Scroll Untuk Melanjutkan

Ganjar-Mahfud and Anies-Muhaimin are investigating into election fraud. They agreed to use the right of inquiry at the DPR.

The Manipulation of Presidential Election Votes

Massive election fraud in Indonesia’s elections occurs both domestically and abroad. Sirekap, the official election tracker, becomes part of the chaos in voting recapitulation.


Desperate Measure to Save Whoosh

KAI discontinues a number of Argo Parahyangan train trips to increase passenger occupancy on Whoosh. There are efforts to secure loans from China.

You can read more complete report on Tempo Magazine:  

Prabowo-Gibran’s Path to One-Round Victory in Presidential Election

The Coalition of Anies Baswedan and Ganjar Pranowo to Investigate Fraud in the Presidential Election

The Manipulation of Presidential Election Votes

Desperate Measure to Save Whoosh


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