Idul Fitri Blessings
IT is predicted that there will be a surge of homecoming travelers for this year’s Idul Fitri. The government estimates that nearly 124 million people will return to their hometowns, a 44 percent increase from last year. The fortune from this annual tradition will also flow abundantly. The central bank is distributing cash of up to Rp195 trillion. Meanwhile, politicians do not want to miss the homecoming euphoria to gain sympathy and votes in the 2024 elections. A special report on the economic and political impacts of the homecoming ritual after the pandemic.
The Fat Coalition
PRESIDENT Joko Widodo proposes the merger of the KIB and the KKIR coalitions through the formation of a large coalition ahead of the 2024 elections. Gerindra Chairman Prabowo Subianto is expected to be a presidential candidate. However, the PDI-P has not yet determined its stance on this coalition.
Another Pilgrimage Fraud
HUNDREDS of prospective umrah pilgrims are left stranded due to the deception of Mahfudz Abdullah, the owner of Naila Syafaah Wisata Mandiri. Their departure to the Holy Land remains unclear although they already paid the fees in full. Mahfudz is a repeat offender. He has been involved in the same crime before. Why did his actions go unnoticed by the religious affairs ministry?
AFTER nearly 20 years of studying at Harvard, this Muhammadiyah activist returns home. He claims to have discovered Islam in the United States. One of his studies on the Qur’an is that it does not provide answers to everything.
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