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Did Pharmaceutical Industry Lobbying Government for Deadly Syrup Medicine?


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - THE casualties of acute kidney injury in children continue to grow. However, the government has not yet confirmed who is responsible for the circulation of various syrup medicines containing ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol, chemicals with toxic effects that become the main cause of the fatal illness. The health ministry, the food and drug monitoring agency, and the pharmaceutical industry are accusing each other of who should be responsible. Is it true that there are lobbying from the pharmaceutical industry to escape the list of manufacturers of drugs that kill children?



Rape at the Cooperatives Ministry

THE investigation into a rape at the ministry of cooperatives, small and medium enterprises ended after the perpetrators deceived the victim’s family. The victim was persuaded to marry one of her rapists to stop the investigation. For three years, Cooperatives Minister Teten Masduki has turned a blind eye to the gang-rape case, and the victim, in his institution.

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Coal Power Plant Retirement Strategy

THE government encourages Bukit Asam to buy the Pelabuhanratu Coal-fired Steam Power Plant (PLTU) owned by state electricity firm PLN. The plan is the start of the early retirement program for PLTUs in the energy transition to renewable energy. But the sudden news shocks investors. Why?


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Video Pilihan

Bad Oversight, Fallen Victims of Medicine

3 November 2022

Bad Oversight, Fallen Victims of Medicine

BPOM is criticized for being slow in tracking down the medicine that have killed hundreds of children.