Attorney General's Office versus Police Over Corruption on Tin Mine at Bangka

Selasa, 4 Juni 2024 12:20 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta -

Dear readers,

There have been increasingly strange and bizarre occurrences lately. The latest is the terror by a group of members of the Special Detachment (Densus) 88 Counterterrorism at the Attorney General’s Office (AGO). They visited the prosecutor’s office by sounding sirens, forcing entry, and flying drones. There were also two members of Densus 88 tailing Assistant Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) Febrie Adriansyah. What acts of terrorism have these prosecutors committed?

There has been no clear explanation. Senior officials of both institutions have said nothing about this dramatic incident. We tried to investigate what was behind this conflict. The problem is that the intimidation by the anti-terror personnel took place at a time when the Attorney General’s Office or AGO was investigating a number of major cases. One of these is the alleged corruption related to tin in Bangka Belitung. Not only has this caused huge environmental damage, amounting to Rp300 trillion, but there are also big names behind it.

Robert Bonosusatya has been questioned by the Attorney General’s Office or AGO because of his alleged affiliation with tin mining companies in Bangka Belitung. Robert is a tycoon who is close to the police. Among the business community, he is known as an entrepreneur who has influence over police generals. Was it the AGO investigation into the case that led to the intimidation by Densus 88 of the National Police?


There is no smoke without fire. This is not the first time there has been tension between the Police and the Attorney General’s Office or AGO. In many major cases, the two law enforcement institutions often found themselves at odds. In the case of the fire at the AGO building, police investigators also concealed the true cause of the massive fire. Was it really just because of a construction worker’s cigarette butt while renovating the building?

There are many questions, many irregularities and a lot of suspicion. What is clear is that the conflict between the two legal institutions is the result of both of them being weakened. Political figures often drag senior officials from both institutions into their dirty political interests. There is the impression that prosecutors serve political interests when investigating crimes.

We remember the questioning of Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto for alleged corruption relating to the distribution of cooking oil. The questioning of the Golkar Party General Chair ended when he expressed his support for Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka in the 2024 presidential election despite the fact that the party was sounding out the possibility of a coalition with the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P).

Then there was the alleged corruption relating to the provision of the Internet at the Ministry of Communications and Informatics. In terms of investigating tin corruption, the Attorney General’s Office or AGO has also been slow to prosecute prominent figures allegedly involved in this case. Only the second tier people have been named suspects. Will the AGO be reluctant to investigate the case following intimidations from Densus 88?

In this week’s edition, we try to examine what was behind the intimidation by the anti-terror personnel. Happy reading.

Bagja Hidayat

Deputy Chief Editor

Densus 88 Officers Stalked the Assistance of Attorney General

One of the men who stalked the Assistant Attorney General is from the counterterrorism unit under the former Red and White Task Force. The operation is suspected to suppress the investigation of high-profile cases.

National Police Statement on the surveillance of the Assistance of Attorney General for Special Crimes

The National Police denied any role of the former’Red and White Task Force with the shadowing of the Assistant Attorney General for Special Crimes Febrie Adriansyah. Police 2nd Brig. Iqbal Mustofa is not punished.

Doubts of the Investigation of the Tin Corruption at theAttorney General’s Office

The team under the Assistant Attorney General for Special Crimes often fails to fully investigate high-profile corruption cases. Several prominent figures are only designated as witnesses.


The Ambiguity of PDI-P’s Political Stance

PDI-P has yet to decide whether to become the opposition or join Prabowo Subianto’s coalition. There is concern about losing the seat of House Speaker.


Financial Fraud in Indofarma

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Mohammad Nuh, chairman of the Forum for Boards of Trustees of Legal Entity State Universities, explains the polemic over the single tuition fee (UKT).

Read at Tempo Magazine:

Densus 88 Officers Stalked the Assistance of Attorney General

National Police Statement on the surveillance of the Assistance of Attorney General for Special Crimes

Doubts of the Investigation of the Tin Corruption at theAttorney General’s Office

The Ambiguity of PDI-P’s Political Stance

Financial Fraud in Indofarma

Muhammad Nuh: Universities Should Not Squeeze Money Out of Public

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