KPK Targeting Hasto Kristiyanto for Harun Masiku Bribery Case

Selasa, 25 Juni 2024 12:50 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta -

The drama and political intrigue surrounding the presidential election are far from over. The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has reopened the case of Harun Masiku, a politician from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) who allegedly bribed a General Election Commission (KPU) commissioner to secure a seat in the parliament through the interim replacement mechanism. Harun disappeared and the KPK accused PDI-P Secretary-General Hasto Kristiyanto of hiding him.

Back in 2020, KPK had planned to arrest Hasto, who was at the Police Staff College complex in South Jakarta. However, at that time, the PDI-P was still in power. Instead of being able to detain Hasto, the KPK investigators themselves were interrogated by several police officers.

Since then, the hunt for Harun Masiku, who suddenly disappeared, has begun to fade away. And Hasto Kristiyanto has never been questioned. The 2024 general elections have shifted the political landscape. President Joko Widodo, who became the boss of the KPK after the revision of the KPK Law curtailed the independence of the institution in 2019, parted ways with the PDI-P in the presidential election. The KPK then sprang into action and resumed the Hasto investigation.

The PDI-P is no longer the ruling party. Jokowi now has the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) and is the main supporter Prabowo Subianto, the Chairman of the Gerindra Party. He has proposed his son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, as Prabowo’s running mate. Jokowi’s maneuvers have infuriated the PDI-P elite. Hasto often criticizes the conduct of the elections and the threat to democracy posed by Jokowi’s nepotism.


These criticisms have led to Hasto being repeatedly questioned by the KPK. Even his assistant’s books and mobile phones were seized by KPK investigators. Within the PDI-P, Hasto’s position as Secretary-General—or the number two after Chairperson Megawati Soekarnoputri—is now under threat. He will be dismissed or will have to resign as a result of this KPK investigation.

The investigation by the KPK is a good thing, although it appears politically motivated. Bringing clarity to the Harun Masiku bribery case will shed light on the facts. It will also reveal the extent of Hasto’s involvement in bribing the KPU commissioner. Regardless of its political motives, investigating Hasto until the KPK finds and apprehends Harun Masiku is crucial to ensuring accountability for their corruption.

In this week’s edition, we delve into the intrigues behind the questioning of Hasto Kristiyanto. We also provide in-depth coverage investigating the suspicious death of Vina Dewi Arsita eight years ago. The public has been led to believe she was raped and murdered by a motorcycle gang allegedly linked to the family of former Police Chief Gen. Dai Bachtiar.

We reexamine the death of Vina by studying the autopsy results and court documentation.

Enjoy the magazine.

Bagja Hidayat

Deputy Chief Editor

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Read on Tempo Magazine:

Hasto Kristiyanto Questioned by the KPK over the Harun Masiku Bribery Case

The Pursuit of Harun Masiku

No Stab Wounds on Eky and Vina

Behind Tokopedia's Mass Layoffs

Monsignor Ignatius Suharyo: Don’t Bring Religion into Business

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