Prabowo Subianto Campaign to Obstruct the Right of Inquiry at DPR

Senin, 1 April 2024 18:25 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - It was not the camp of Ganjar Pranowo that quickly pushed for the parliamentary inquiry into the 2024 elections fraud—as their campaign slogan implied—but the team of Prabowo Subianto, maneuvering to the contrary. Aware of the weak political convictions of the politicians supporting Ganjar and Anies Baswedan, Prabowo Subianto’s camp immediately began enticing them. The goal is to prevent the right of inquiry being used at the House of Representatives (DPR).

The strategy is effective. Politicians from parties supporting Ganjar and Anies have been inconsistent in pushing for the right of inquiry. Moreover, party chairmen had already met with Prabowo Subianto. They were promised ministerial seats, meaning joining the government, if they stop the inquiry’s progress.

The parliamentary inquiry is the right of the DPR to inquire into government policies and programs. The Ganjar and Anies camps perceive significant structured, systematic, and massive election fraud in the 2024 elections. The amendment to the Election Law that allowed President Jokowi’s son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, to run for the vice-presidency marked the beginning of the fraud.

The Election Law was challenged at the Constitutional Court by Jokowi’s close associates in Solo, a family of lawyers known for reporting corruption cases to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) or the police. Anwar Usman, Jokowi’s brother-in-law who led the Constitutional Court, accepted the lawsuit. As a result, there was no need for the DPR to amend the Election Law in line with the Constitutional Court’s decision, Gibran could easily enter the election arena.

Then came the mobilization of state apparatuses in the regions to influence voters to choose Prabowo Subianto-Gibran. Finally, there was a massive distribution of social assistance. Politicians supporting Prabowo campaigned that the social assistance, taken from the state budget and Indonesian taxpayers’ taxes, was Jokowi’s aid. They hoped it would sway voters towards Gibran.


It turned out to be true. Since the ballot counting results were announced on February 14 through quick counts, Prabowo immediately took the lead. The General Elections Commission’s vote recapitulation results declared Prabowo the clear winner with 58.6 percent of the vote. Now, these results are being challenged through the right of inquiry in the DPR. However, politicians with weak convictions could not resist the lure of positions and threats of legal action.

Now, the last resort to challenge the election results is through the Constitutional Court. The composition of the justices has changed. Anwar Usman has been dismissed, and he is prohibited from adjudicating election disputes. Will the Constitutional Court pass a progressive ruling? Happy reading.

Bagja Hidayat

Deputy Chief Editor

Maneuvers to Prevent the Right of Inquiry into 2024 Election Fraud

The right of inquiry to investigate alleged fraud in the 2024 elections is threatened to run aground in the House of Representatives (DPR), influenced by offers of ministerial seat in Prabowo Subainto cabinet.

Challenging Presidential Election Fraud at the Constitutional Court

Anies and Ganjar can only rely on a lawsuit to the Constitutional Court because the route of the right of inquiry at the DPR is deadlocked. They are focusing on election interference by President Jokowi.

Why Incumbents and Popular Candidates Fail to Get Seat in DPR

The massive scale of money politics resulted in the 2024 general elections being deemed to be the most brutal. Many incumbents failed to retain their DPR seats.


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The police named five human trafficking suspects in the case of a ferienjob program in Germany. It was promoted as part of the government’s internship program.

You can read more complete reports in Tempo Magazine:

Maneuvers to Prevent the Right of Inquiry into 2024 Election Fraud

Challenging Presidential Election Fraud at the Constitutional Court

Why Incumbents and Popular Candidates Fail to Get Seat in DPR

Who Benefits from Regulations on Marine Sediment Utilization

Human Trafficking Network Disguised as Ferienjob Intership Program

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