State Budget and State Apparatus to Support Prabowo-Gibran

Senin, 12 Februari 2024 20:50 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Dear Readers,

We are witnessing once again the prismatic actions taken by President Joko Widodo. Recently, he declared that he would remain neutral in the presidential election, even though his son is a vice-presidential candidate. Jokowi also stated that he would not campaign, although it is allowed by the law.

In the prism effect, we seem to see a bent pencil that is actually straight. Conversely, a broken stick can appear straight when subjected to the prismatic effect. It is as if what Jokowi said is true. Because he pronounced the words “neutral” and “not campaigning” after touring many regions and distributing social assistance.

In addition to distributing social assistance, state apparatus is mobilized to garner support for Jokowi’s son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who is running as vice president alongside Prabowo Subianto. Police officers, acting regional heads, agricultural advisors, and religious counselors all have targets to rally support for Prabowo-Gibran.

The mobilization of state apparatus, of course, utilizes public funds. Events are organized under the guise of ministry activities, with their budgets allocated from the State Budget. However, the content subtly seeks support for Prabowo-Gibran.


What is happening today was predicted long ago. Jokowi is increasingly tempted to abuse power to perpetuate his rule through his son. When he failed to pair Prabowo with Ganjar Pranowo, a politician from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), Jokowi had no other option but to nominate his son to continue in power.

Therefore, the General Election Law was amended to allow Gibran, who is underage, to become a candidate. Jokowi does not care if changing the rules alters the electoral and democratic playing field. After that, Jokowi went all the way: he used his power to garner votes for his son.

Jokowi appears confident that Prabowo will win, and he will be safe with the protection of the power he supports after no longer being president. Various questionable flagship projects suspected of violating good governance will also continue.

Readers, the next few days are decisive: what Indonesia will become in the future depends on who is elected president on February 14, 2024. The future of Indonesia is in your hands. Happy reading.

Bagja Hidayat

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

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You can read more completely report on Tempo Magazine:

How State Institution Support and Collect Votes for Prabowo-Gibran

Regional Heads Hand in Campaign for Prabowo-Gibran

The Coalition to Prevent Single-Round Election

Istaka Karya’s Financial Problems that Led to Its Bankruptcy

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