Omnibus Health Law Facilitate Foreign Investment

Selasa, 17 Januari 2023 08:15 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - THE House of Representatives and the government are deliberating on the national health system bill. The omnibus Health Law will abolish dozens of health-related regulations. Why do medical and health professional organizations reject it? Is it true that the aim of the law is to facilitate foreign investment in the health sector and open the door for foreign doctors to practice here?


Police Case Mafia

THE KPK is investigating allegations of bribery in the handling of cases in the National Police that implicate Adj. Comr. Bambang Kayun. He is suspected of brokering a case handled by the Criminal Investigation Department and receives tens of billions of rupiah. Who is his backer?



TV Industry After the Digital Broadcasts

THE migration of analog television broadcasts to digital was intended to open up space for more players. In fact, large groups still dominate this sector. What is the new competitive map of the television business now?


Not a Law to Save the Environment

THE Job Creation Perpu has the potential to damage the environment. Articles of the Job Creation Law that threaten environmental sustainability are maintained. How can the regulations derived from the law continue to run and endanger the environment and forest communities?

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6 Oktober 2023

Buruh Desak Pemerintah Naikkan Upah 15 Persen pada Tahun Depan

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Forum Dekan Kedokteran Bertemu di Solo, Bahas Dokter Spesialis sampai Omnibus

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The Hasty Health Omnibus Law

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The Hasty Health Omnibus Law

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Omnibus RUU Kesehatan untuk Siapa?

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