Perpu Omnibus Hocus-Pocus

Senin, 9 Januari 2023 17:40 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - INSTEAD of complying with the Constitutional Court’s decision to revise the Job Creation Law, the government demonstrates its strength by issuing the Government Regulation in lieu of Law (Perpu) on Job Creation that revives the flawed law. The Constitutional Court asked the government to revise this law because its deliberation process did not involve the public. In fact, this omnibus law has an impact on many things: the fate of workers, environmental protection, and freedom of speech. After all, the requirement for the issuance of a Perpu is a compelling emergency. What is the urgency in Indonesia today that forces the government to issue this Perpu? In many countries, a Perpu is considered authoritarian because the process is not democratic. What is the government’s strategy to pass the Job Creation Perpu? Who is its sponsor?


KPU Intimidation

A DOZEN members of regional General Elections Commissions received intimidation. They were commissioners who questioned the decision of the plenary meeting on the ratification of the qualified status of parties that passed factual verification process.



Behind the Mineral Export Ban

AFTER nickel, the government will ban bauxite export as of June 11. Other mining commodities, such as tin and copper, will soon follow. The government requires mineral companies to process them before they can export them. Who benefits from this export ban?


Tempo’s Literature and Arts 2022

AFTER a long hiatus due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the year 2022 witnessed the return of the entertainment and literary festivals. They never failed to meet their audiences. We selected some of them as Tempo’s Choice of Literature and Arts 2022.

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