Criminal Code Controversies

Senin, 12 Desember 2022 17:45 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - LIKE chasing a target of to give gifts to whoever it is, the House of Representatives and the government are rushing to pass the Criminal Code (KUHP). They ignore public’s rejection on crucial issues that curb democracy, restrict the privacy of citizens, and reduce the punishment of corruptors. The KUHP, which has been deliberated since 1963, is finally ratified in the era of President Joko Widodo. But the content is worse than the one inherited from the Dutch colonial government. Who designed Jokowi’s KUHP? Who supports it?


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Missing Satellite in Orbit

THE deadline for launching the L Band satellite in the sky over Sulawesi is almost over. The license holder for the construction of a satellite that fills the 123 degrees east longitude orbit is involved in a corruption case. The government is waiting for the court’s decision. Amidst the disarray, companies whose competence is questionable are interested in continuing the project. Is the project, worth hundreds of millions of US dollars, still relevant?

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The New Order of Criminal Code

15 Desember 2022

The New Order of Criminal Code

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