Social Forest Deceptions

Senin, 3 Oktober 2022 17:25 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - THE social forestry scheme becomes a national priority program to alleviate poverty of people living around forests in 2016. However, from the target of 12.7 million hectares, today, the distribution of access to social forests has not reached half of it. There are many obstacles. In Java, volunteers supporting President Joko Widodo exploit the program by charging levies on farmers. In Sumatra, timber companies use the program to expand concessions and raise wood production.


Power Addiction

THERE is an idea to make Joko Widodo a candidate of vice president in the 2024 presidential election. How serious is this idea?



Changes of PLN’s Business

THE government forms a holding company of state electricity firm PLN. This new structure is reportedly part of PLN’s strategy to seek new funding for coal-fired power plants whose operation will be discontinued.


The Trace of Indonesian Gulags

LOCATIONS of former political detention camps of the 1965 incident are scattered throughout Indonesia. Tempo tracks several of them that are now almost unrecognizable. It is suspected that there is an attempt to erase their traces.

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