Fuel Prices On Dangerous Ground

Senin, 29 Agustus 2022 16:20 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - After continually defending subsidies to maintain Pertalite and diesel prices, President Joko Widodo is now planning to increase the price of those subsidized fuel—up to Rp2,000 to 3.000 per liter. If they are maintained to continue as is, subsidies to suppress market price will reach beyond Rp502 trillion. Finance Minister Sri Mulyani had thrown in the towel because of the budget deficit. But if the fuel prices are increased, the next threat will be inflation that potentially will put a damper on the economic growth. With dead ends all round, the question is why were steps not taken before the situation came to this?


Cooking Oil Corruption’s Trial


The cooking oil corruption with Lin Che Wei and four other people from oil palm companies as defendants will very soon be tried in court. Prosecutors consider them to have caused huge losses for the state and the economy. How is it that no government officials are in the list of the defendants?


Forced Hijab Tragedy

Forced hijab for female students in state schools is rampant. The National Education System Law, local sharia regulations, and abysmally low-awareness among teachers of basic rights have caused several students become victim to bullying. Some were forced to move to other schools.

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