Crazy Rich Blues


Nur Haryanto


Nur Haryanto

Senin, 21 Maret 2022 16:37 WIB


Crazy Rich Controversies

A NUMBER of young people emerge as new crazy rich with unclear origins of their wealth. They do not hesitate to show off their luxury assets on social media. Apparently, it is a technique to attract people to join the money game business they are promoting. Now the police charge them with fraud and money laundering because they use the proceeds from the money games to buy assets, and transfer some of them to tax haven countries, and Russian gambling bookies. Police are hunting these crazy rich. Who are they?


The Prospects of GoTo’s IPO


GOTO Gojek Tokopedia will hold an initial public offering (IPO) at the Indonesia Stock Exchange in April. Targeting to raise funds of around Rp18 trillion, GoTo releases 52 billion new Series A shares. Are the prospects good?


Democracy in Danger

RESISTANCE movements against the postponement of the 2024 elections are spreading. Megawati Soekarnoputri calls on her cadres to fight.


Indonesia’s Clean Water Crisis

THE Asian Development Bank declares that Indonesia has not yet realized water resilience. Floods happen when it rains, water shortages occur when it is dry. Clean water is also contaminated with sewage.

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