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The Danger of President Jokowi 's Intervention in Presidential Election


TEMPO.CO, JakartaPresident Joko Widodo has openly said that he will not be neutral in the 2024 elections. The president’s statement was no surprise. Since last year, we have witnessed several instances of political acrobatics from him. Either privately or openly, he has expressed support for particular presidential candidates or endorsed party chairs to run in the 2024 presidential election.

Recently, we have seen Jokowi indicate that he would support Prabowo Subianto, his former rival in the two presidential elections. However, he was present on April 21 when Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) Chair Megawati Sukarnoputri declared Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo as the party’s presidential candidate at the Batutulis Palace, Bogor.

Has Jokowi changed direction?

A number of sources we met said that Jokowi was disappointed because he was not involved in the nomination of Ganjar. Two prospective vice-presidential candidates proposed by Jokowi, State-Owned Enterprises Minister Erick Thohir and Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Uno did not receive a warm welcome from Megawati.

The PDI-P even secretly bound Ganjar Pranowo with the Batutulis agreement. This agreement makes it more difficult for Jokowi to intervene in several matters. In other words, the Batutulis agreement reduces Jokowi’s influence in the choice of the running mate for Ganjar, even if he is elected president.

With only limited support from Jokowi, is it possible for Ganjar to win? As of last week, there were very few signs of political support for Ganjar.  There was no meaningful campaigning for him. But members of the elite of the PDI-P and the United Development Party (PPP) quietly began to approach a number of individuals who might become vice-presidential candidates.

You can read about the ups and downs of the relationship between Jokowi and Megawati, as well as the latest developments in the coalition supporting Ganjar Pranowo in the cover story in this week’s Tempo English. Happy reading.

Stefanus Pramono

Managing Editor



The Reasons for Jokowi’s Interventions in the 2024 Election

At a time of tension in his relationship with Megawati Sukarnoputri, President Jokowi has said he will intervene in the 2024 election. Is he really supporting Prabowo Subianto?

Who are Ganjar Pranowo’s Possible Running Mates?

The PDI-P and the PPP have approached a number of members of Nahdlatul Ulama over the possibility of running with Ganjar Pranowo. Who are they?


Ganjar Pranowo’s Stalled Campaign Machine

The parties supporting Ganjar Pranowo have not yet started their campaign. There are still internal problems within the PDI-P.

 ill Ganjar Pranowo’s Loyalists Side with Megawati or Jokowi?

A special Tempo interview with Ganjar Pranowo. Ganjar explains his views on Jokowi and Megawati.



The Dangers of Jokowi Intervening in the 2024 Election

President Jokowi has openly said he will intervene in the 2024 election. This could be interpreted by officials as an instruction to ensure the victory of a particular candidate.


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