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The Formula E Uproar



Nur Haryanto

Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Chair Firli Bahuri (right) and National Police (Polri) Chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo at the KPK Building, Jakarta, February 9, 2020. (Tempo).
Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Chair Firli Bahuri (right) and National Police (Polri) Chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo at the KPK Building, Jakarta, February 9, 2020. (Tempo).

A video is circulating on social media showing a conversation between Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Chair Firli Bahuri and KPK employees. The employees said they were walking out of the forum led by Firli in protest at the dismissal of Endar Priantoro as director of investigations on March 20. We took a closer look at the latest conflict within the KPK and tried to discover the cause of the commotion.

Firli claimed that Endar’s term of duty at the KPK had ended. In a letter to National Police (Polri) Chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo he said that Endar was being sent back to Polri headquarters to be promoted. As well as dismissing Endar, Firli also suggested the police chief order KPK enforcement deputy Insp. Gen. Karyoto to also return to Polri HQ.

Why was this? A closer look at the facts revealed that the two police generals had refused Firli’s instruction to raise the inquiry into the alleged Formula E corruption to a formal investigation. If this goes ahead, former Jakarta governor Anies Baswedan could be named the main suspect. However, Firli said that has no objections if the Formula E investigation did not yet produce any suspects.

Polri Chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo refused Firli’s request. He said that he wanted Endar to continue working at the KPK. Meanwhile, he promoted Karyoto to chief of Jakarta Police. Is the fact that Endar has not yet received a new position in the regional police force the reason why he is being retained at the KPK? Endar followed up on the police chief’s objection by reporting Firli to the KPK Supervisory Board.

What triggered this? The 2024 political contest is drawing ever closer. After the KPK was moved to a position under the executive, it is now no different from the police or the attorney general’s office as it is under the authority of the president. It is also widely known that there are two camps for next year’s presidential election: one of President Joko Widodo, and the other of his opponent. For the time being, Anies Baswedan has been positioned as Jokowi’s opponent.

Given this state of affairs, are Firli’s rivals doing a better job of keeping the KPK out of politics? It is not yet certain. If previously there was ‘the gecko versus the crocodile’—KPK investigators as the gecko and police generals as the crocodile—now the dispute between the KPK and Polri is more like ‘crocodile versus crocodile’: the generals are arguing on behalf of the respective interests behind them.
Happy reading,

Mustafa Silalahi
Junior Managing Editor

Two Letters that Dismissed a General
What is the story behind the dismissal of KPK director of investigations Endar Priantoro?

The Formula E Run-Around
The story behind the dispute over the handling of the Formula E case between KPK Chief Firli Bahuri and his subordinates.

Frequent ‘Customer’ of the Supervisory Board
How the KPK Supervisory Board has handled past allegations of ethical violations by Firli.

Scroll Untuk Melanjutkan

Interview with Brig. Gen. Endar Priantoro
How did the KPK handle the Formula E case?


Firli and the Corruption Politicization Commission
A Tempo editorial on Firli Bahuri’s Maneuvers at the KPK.


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The Double-Edged Sword of the Asset Forfeiture Bill
Tempo’s editorial on the impact of the delayed deliberations of the asset forfeiture bill.


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The BPKP rejects the import of used trains from Japan. KCI will obtain new ones produced by Inka, which also applies Japanese technology.


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