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Outcry over the Omnibus Perpu


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - At the end of 2022, President Joko Widodo issued the Government Regulation in lieu of Law (Perpu) on Job Creation. Why did this come at the end of the year at the time when people were on holiday celebrating the New Year?

The Perpu is a consequence of the Supreme Court ruling that the Job Creation Law was conditionally unconstitutional. The Court highlighted the secretive process of drawing it up, which went ahead without considering or involving public opinion. There was some public information provided, but no more than necessary to meet the requirement.

In a democratic nation, when laws are drawn up there should be a meaningful participation from the people. This does not mean representatives, but the public at large. Given that the House of Representatives (DPR) is now no more than a rubber stamp for the government, the voice of the people must be heard.

This is what the Constitutional Court said in its 2021 ruling, giving the government two years to revise the process and the crucial provisions that endangered the people, the environment and democracy. During those two years, the government was forbidden from implementing the provisions in this omnibus law.

Instead of abiding by the ruling, the government issued the Job Creation Perpu, putting the law at the same level as a government regulation. Why did the government so openly defy the constitution? The Perpu is clearly undemocratic because it was decided unilaterally by the government. A Perpu should be the government’s last resort at times of pressing crisis when dialogue has ground to a halt.

The question is, what is this pressing crisis that is forcing the government to issue a Perpu? There is none. Therefore if it is not simply a contrivance, it is clear the government does not want to listen to the aspirations of the people. We have tried to find out why the government is insisting on pushing through the Job Creation Law. Who is sponsoring it? Enjoy the magazine.

Stefanus Pramono

Managing Editor


 Many Community Elements Reject Job Creation Perpu

The Job Creation Perpu that was issued just before the New Year had been in preparation since the middle of 2022.

Rejecting Job Creation Perpu, Worker and Civil Society Groups Plan for Actions

Workers and activists plan demonstrations against the Job Creation Perpu. Lobbying at the Palace by labor representatives and business owners came to nothing.


Business Owners Unhappy with Changes in the Regulation

Some tycoons are unhappy with the Job Creation Perpu. They are taking issue with the change on wages and outsourcing, despite benefiting from incentives.


The Devious Omnibus Regulation

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The Job Creation Perpu ignores a Constitutional Court’s ruling. The Jokowi regime is increasingly taking advantage of legal loopholes.



Indonesian Government to Prohibit Bauxite and Other Raw Mineral Exports

The government will prohibit bauxite export starting June 11. Export bans will also be imposed on the other raw minerals including tin and copper.

The Separation of Mind Id and Inalum to Push Downstream Aluminum Projects

The government separates Mind Id and Inalum to push downstream aluminum projects. Inalum will develop a giant smelter and expand aluminum factories.


Teaming up to Undermine the KPU

A number of General Elections Commission officials in the regions received intimidations. This is because they refused to change the results of the verification of parties.


Towards Zero Waste City

Bandung and Bali are determined to become zero waste cities. Their journey begins by sorting garbage from the source.


 Returning to Stage, Returning to Experiments

Tempo’s Choice of Literature and Arts 2022. What and who are they?


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