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Impending Mass Layoffs


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - MASS layoffs threaten Indonesia’s industrial sector amidst economic downturn in export destination countries. A number of large companies in the textile and footwear sectors have scaled down production, and are now bracing for mass layoffs. Meanwhile, the government is slow at dealing with the issue.


A Costly Gathering

HOSTING the G20 summit, Indonesia is digging deep into state coffers to provide various luxurious facilities for the guests. The government also goes through high-level lobbying for leaders of big countries to attend the event.

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Salt Import Corruption

THE Attorney General’s Office is investigating the alleged corruption in the import of salt involving officials from the industry ministry. There are indications of kickbacks in the form of fund transfer in the distribution of import quotas. Who are implicated in this case?


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Video Pilihan

Kisah Karyawan Tokopedia Lolos dari PHK: Bolak-balik Cek Email, Bingung Anggota Tim Berkurang Drastis

20 November 2022

Kisah Karyawan Tokopedia Lolos dari PHK: Bolak-balik Cek Email, Bingung Anggota Tim Berkurang Drastis

Salah satu karyawan Tokopedia bercerita apa yang dilakukannya usai diumumkan pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) pada Jumat lalu.

The Imminent Storm of Layoffs

17 November 2022

The Imminent Storm of Layoffs

The threat of mass layoffs is increasingly haunting labor-intensive industries. Thousands of workers have lost their jobs.