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Who was to Blame at Kanjuruhan?


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - A total of 131 members of Aremania—as supporters of the Arema FC soccer club are known—lost their lives in the Kanjuruhan Stadium, Malang, East Java. They died in the crush or through suffocation after police and military personnel fired tear gas at the end of the game against Persebaya on the evening of October 1, after some supporters ran down to the field.

A week after the incident, not a single game official, police officer or All-Indonesia Soccer Association (PSSI) official has offered their resignation. President Joko Widodo even expressed gratitude that international soccer federation FIFA is not planning to sanction Indonesia. The independent team investigating the killings has named six suspects.

We agreed to refer to these deaths as a massacre. There was no logical reason for the police to fire repeated volleys of expired tear gas into the seating area. The police claim they were preventing spectators from entering the field cannot be accepted. Why? Because the only people there were Arema supporters. The Persebaya players were already in the changing room. There was no one on the field for Aremania to target their anger against.

And even in the seating area, the spectators were doing nothing wrong. But why were the police and soldiers angrily beating anyone who passed near them? The tear gas caused the supporters to panic and rush for the exit gates, which were locked.

There are many more facts that we uncovered after a week in Malang. We sent three teams to find out what really happened at Kanjuruhan that night. We wanted to know if the police had the skills and standards to manage soccer supporters.

We also wanted to determine who was to blame by examining the facts. If the police or the investigating team are unable to find these people, we will help explain matters in the context of what happened on the ground. Enjoy the magazine. No soccer game is worth people losing their lives.

Mustafa Silalahi

Main Editor

Deadly Expired Tear Gas

How were the police negligent at Kanjuruhan Stadium? Read our findings.


A Sketch in a Cracked Frame

The story of a teenager who died in the crush at an exit gate. Also, witness accounts from those who helped dying people.


Rumors from an Ice Vendor

There are still people trying to distort the facts related to the Kanjuruhan massacre.


Evading FIFA Sanctions

Why did FIFA not impose sanctions on Indonesia? How did the Indonesian government lobby the federation?


Tips to Prevent Pitch Invasion

How do the police handle supporters in soccer games overseas?

Interview with the PSSI Chair

Why is he blaming other people instead of offering to resign?



Slaughter in Kanjuruhan

What are the proofs of police negligence?


The Presidential Candidate Rush

Why was NasDem in such a hurry to announce the Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan as its 2024 presidential candidate?


Finding a Running Mate

Scroll Untuk Melanjutkan

Who are the perspective vice-presidential candidates that will run alongside Anies Baswedan?


A Brake Failure on the Formula E

Is it true that Anies Baswedan was involved in the Formula E corruption?


Interview with Anies Baswedan

How will he shake off the impression that he is the “father of identity politics”?



The Impact of Anies Baswedan’s Candidacy

What will be the impact of Anies running for the presidency in 2024?



Failure to Spark

PLN cancels its electric stove transition plan following public uproars. Is there any political pressure behind it?

Interview with PLN CEO Darmawan Prasodjo

PLN will redesign the LPG-to-electric stove conversion program after it is canceled this year. The company claims to have a strategy to resolve electricity oversupply.



The Wrong Decision about Gas Stoves

The government cancels the gas-to-electric stoves conversion program. The endeavor to save state funds is waylaid by political image saving.


Banned by Data

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry banned five foreign researchers, accusing them of panting bad image of the ministry. It started from disparaging data on the orangutan population.


Why Indonesian Conservation Needs Independent Science

The system of open, transparent, and independent science is being undermined in Indonesia. What the country needs in the current biodiversity conservation crisis is the best information possible, not an alternative reality.



The Anti-Science Minister

Barring the entry of five foreign researchers underline the anti-science and anti-criticism stance of Environment and Forestry Minister Siti Nurbaya. This is a danger for the environment.


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