Massacre in Kanjuruhan
A TOTAL of 131 spectators of the Arema FC-Persebaya Surabaya match at the Kanjuruhan Stadium in Malang, East Java, died as a result of police and army brutality. In addition to beating fans who entered the field, the police fired tear gas at the stands, an act that is prohibited under FIFA rules. Even so, FIFA does not impose a penalty on Indonesia. The PSSI puts the blame on the organizing committee. In fact, there is a broken chain of command. Who should actually be most responsible?
Anies Baswedan’s Arena
IN the midst of an investigation into alleged corruption in the holding of Formula E race, the National Democrat Party declares Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan a presidential candidate. Surya Paloh tries to persuade Jokowi to support the coalition.
Electric Stove Blackout
FINALLY the government cancels the gas-to-electric-stove conversion program. After being planned for three years to save the state budget, why did President Joko Widodo cancel it?
Siti Nurbaya’s Scientific Censorship
THE Environment and Forestry Ministry accuses foreign researchers of having bad intentions to discredit the government. The minister then bans five conservation researchers from entering Indonesia.
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