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Feud Between Two Generals of TNI


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Effendi Simbolon, a member of the House of Representatives (DPR) Defense Commission, revealed the dispute between Indonesian Military or TNI Commander Gen. Andika Perkasa and Army Chief of Staff Gen. Dudung Abdurachman. In a meeting at the DPR, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) politician said that the relationship between the two generals was disharmonious.

Effendi subsequently apologized for his statement. In a video recording, Dudung asked his men to protest Effendi’s words, especially because he referred to the TNI as a “group of gangsters.” But a number of military officers have confirmed that there are tensions between Andika and Dudung.

What actually triggers the feud?

We investigated the information by speaking with many TNI officers and people close to Andika and Dudung. From them, we obtained further knowledge. The two generals are in dispute because of a family matter that has been carried over into the military organization.

President Joko Widodo is reported to have been angered by this dispute. The Palace has prepared a plan for after the TNI anniversary on October 5.

Clearly this conflict is damaging the professionalism of the military. Disputes between generals are dangerous, especially if they are carried out in the open. In a meeting with the DPR on September 26, both Andika and Dudung attended and sat on either side of Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto. The discomfort was clear from their body language, although Dudung turned towards Andika and gave a salute.

In the Law section, we carry a special report on the corruption case involving Papua Governor Lukas Enembe. There are indications that Lukas accepted Rp1 billion in gratuities. However, he is also under investigation in relation to a number of other cases. There are signs that the chair of the Papua Democrat Party regional board has received hundreds of billions of rupiah.

Although he leads one of the poorest provinces in Indonesia, Lukas appears to be living a luxurious lifestyle. For example, he spent Rp582 million on a watch at Richemont Luxury Dubai. The Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center has been suspicious about payments made to Lukas’ bank accounts for the last five years.

Enjoy the magazine

Stefanus Pramono

Managing Editor




A Feud Between Two Generals

Relations between Andika Perkasa and Dudung Abdurachman have been worsening for a long time. Their maneuvers are related to the removal of Dudung’s son from the list of prospective Military Academy cadets.

PDI-P’s Peace Offering

The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle is reluctant to enter into a dispute with Dudung Abdurachman. General Chair Megawati Sukarnoputri is said to be furious with her subordinates.

Friends at First

Andika Perkasa and Dudung Abdurachman used to be good friends when they were both middle-ranking officers. What paths have the two army generals followed?



Ending the Conflict at Military HQ

Scroll Untuk Melanjutkan

President Jokowi needs to intervene to resolve the conflict within the TNI. Dudung’s tactic of mobilizing support endangers civil supremacy.



Trails of Corruption in Papua

There are indications that Lukas Enembe received hundreds of billions of rupiah. He has repeatedly avoided questioning by the KPK.

Muhammad Rifai Darus, Spokesman for Lukas Enembe: Don’t Just Make Accusations

Lukas’ political career is hanging in the balance. His spokesman explains the origin of the huge sums in his accounts.


Targeting Lukas Enembe

The complex problems in Papua will not be resolved simply by investigating corruption in the region. The central government has never paid any attention to the aspirations of the Papuan people.


Slow Capital, Low Guarantee

Waskita Karya finds it difficult to raise working capital after restructuring its debts. It is difficult to get bank guarantees for large infrastructure projects.

Contractors Crushed by Soaring Prices

Contractors of infrastructure projects demand cost and contract adjustments as material prices escalate. There are risks, from a drop in quality to stalled projects.


New Capital for Assigned Projects

A number of state-owned construction companies are doing whatever they can to get the capital needed to complete government-assigned infrastructure projects. Construction SOEs’ debts are soaring.


Cash Crisis at SOEs

The working capital of state-owned construction companies is running short because of debt repayment. They are trapped in infrastructure projects.


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