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Learning from the Legalization of Marijuana in Thailand



Nur Haryanto


Learning from the Legalization of Marijuana in Thailand

The ministry of health is making preparations to begin research into the benefits from marijuana plants. The proposed law on research into medical uses of marijuana was sent to the Presidential Palace at the beginning of this year. If it is approved, Indonesia could follow the example of Thailand, which has legalized medical marijuana, and at the beginning of June allowed the use of recreational cannabis.

From the beginning of July until last week, we sent Budiarti Utami Putri, the youngest journalist in the national department, to Thailand. We wanted to learn about what was happening there in the run up to this important decision. Thailand is the first Asian nation to legalize marijuana. Is the entire population now stoned, or have people reaped many benefits from the legalization of cannabis?

While she was in Thailand, Putri traveled to a number of tourist areas that have legalized cannabis transactions. She saw how stores, cafés and bars are selling a range of cannabis plants. The people of Bangkok did not want to be left behind, and flocked to set-up tables to take a share of the profits.

She interviewed activists, businesspeople, officials and doctors behind the legalization of marijuana, including the minister of public health who openly admitted that the legalization of marijuana has increased his party’s popularity. They also explained about the benefits of marijuana for tourism and the Thai economy.

Putri also paid a visit to a marijuana plantation in Chiang Mai where the plant was being cultivated as an industrial crop. The inhabitants of Chiang Mai are taking advantage of the government policy and investing in the planting and processing of cannabis plants. It is estimated that the potential earnings from the legalization of marijuana could exceed Rp40 trillion over the next five years.

In this country, we met with officials from the health ministry with knowledge of the process of the drawing up the regulation allowing for research into medical marijuana. From them, we learned how the government is endeavoring to ensure that the research can start as soon as possible. However, the National Narcotics Agency is consistently against the legalization of medical marijuana.

Although it has the possibility to turn users into addicts, marijuana can relieve a number of illnesses. We interviewed users of marijuana extract whose illnesses were cured and who were able to return to normal activities. We also spoke to activists and the families of patients with serious medical conditions who hope that the government will go ahead with the legalization of medical marijuana.

Enjoy the magazine.

Stefanus Pramono

Managing Editor

The Aroma of Cannabis around the Ballot Box

Cannabis was fully legalized in Thailand at the beginning of June. What has been the impact of the legalization of cannabis there?

A Cannabis Economy

 It is estimated that Thailand will reap huge benefits from the legalization of marijuana. The government is setting up industrial-scale plantations.


Interview with the Thai Minister of Public Health about the Benefits of Marijuana Use

Thai Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul spoke candidly with Tempo about the reasons why his nation legalized marijuana. It was not a hasty policy.

Support for Medical Marijuana

The draft legislation legalizing research into medical marijuana is still being held up at the Palace. What does it contain?

Remedy or Malady

Scroll Untuk Melanjutkan

Stories from those who have been helped by marijuana use. What are the benefits of marijuana?

BNN: “Don’t Even Try Legalizing Marijuana”

A Tempo interview with the coordinator of the expert group at the National Narcotics Agency. Why is the BNN against the legalization of medical marijuana?


Time to Legalize Cannabis

Indonesia needs to learn from Thailand about the legalization of medical marijuana. The benefits outweigh the disadvantages.


Vale Shares for Grab

Vale Indonesia will surrender 11 percent of its shares through a follow-up divestment. Mind Id is preparing to purchase those shares. Many businesses set their eyes on nickel mine sites that are not yet in operation.

Ambition to Raise Production

Vale Indonesia is fast tracking the construction of three smelters in a bid to boost refined nickel production. It pursues gas supplies to reduce nickel smelter carbon emissions.


Avoiding Rent Seekers

Vale Indonesia prepares to fulfill its obligation of transferring a majority of shares to the states while being overshadowed by the decline in production and performance.


Suspicious Death of a Marksman

Brigadier Yosua is suspected to have been killed in the official residence of Insp. Gen. Ferdy Sambo. There are many strange aspects to his death.


Justice for Brigadier Yosua

The police must not cover up the case of the killing of Brig. Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat. A repeat autopsy needs to be conducted.


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