Pandemic to Endemic
THE government is preparing a number of strategies to transition the status of Covid-19 from pandemic to endemic. The health ministry predicts that an endemic can occur in the next six months if conditions meet the requirements. In addition to the health factor, social, economic, cultural, and political issues are the government’s calculation in the preparation to implement the endemic status. Are we ready to live with the coronavirus?
Pertamina’s Heavy Burden
THE increase of world oil prices disrupts Pertamina’s finances. The state oil company must bear the difference between Pertalite and Pertamax production costs and their economic prices. Pertamina’s burden increases because it also has to pay its global bonds maturing in May.
Thriving during the Pandemic
THE pandemic makes rare animals reappear. At Mount Salak, there are sightings of red frogs. The amphibian is threatened with extinction and had not been seen for 134 years. The pandemic makes conservation forests closed for visitors. In addition, Sumatran rabbits appear again after previously been declared extinct.
The Great Post-Independence Migrations
AROUND 300,000 Dutch, Indo Europeans, Chinese, Moluccan, Papuan and others who originally settled and even were born in Indonesia chose to migrate to the Netherlands in 1945 until the early 1960s. Their story was recorded and exhibited at the Sophiahof Museum, The Hague, the Netherlands. Tempo writes some of those stories.
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